[HOW TO] Run (Android) .apk file on your PC

Dear friends, I have started programming on Android system 2.1 and started writing articles on how the program should be written. You can get subscribed to my blog if you want more and more tips for developing articles on android. […]

Starting programming for android with Netbeans

Dear friends, I had windows 7 installed on my PC and already had Netbeans 6.9.1 installed. And according to the android official website, their is no such tutorial for us to develop via Netbeans. So, I am here for you people to support for the development on Android via Netbeans IDE. Now first the main problem is to chose SDK. The following steps works for all the type of OS(as I have tried on ubuntu too).
First download the SDk related to your OS from here: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html

[CREATE] Hello World program for android via Netbeans

Well friends, as I started programming on android on my windows with IDE as Netbeans. I am writing every step that were problems to me and how I solved then. You can get subscribed so that you can get more and more help regarding android application development. Before going to all the thing you must have first setup all the requirements as of my previous article.